Monday, 23 March 2015

Operating Systems 1 Lab 5 – Shell Script Creation

I could not get the PuTTY to work properly for this lab, as I had restricted access. Instead I used an online linux terminal.

The first step involved creating two text files, one named ReallyImportantFile1.txt and the other named ReallyImportantFile2.txt.

The second and third steps involve inserting the two files into BackUpFolder. This folder (directory) is created by mkdir BackUpFolder. The files are copied in by cp *.txt BackUpFolder.

For some reason the fourth step did not appear to work for me. Thus I used ls to see the contents instead.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Operating Systems 1 Lab 4 – DOS Batch File Creation

The first two steps involve creating two .txt files, ReallyImportantProgram1.txt and ReallyImportantProgram2.txt
The contents of the files is not relevant to the exercise.

The third step involves creating a .bat file. A batch file is a script file which contains commands to be executed by the command line interpreter. In our exercise, we used it to create a directory called BackupFolder and in that folder we stored our two text files.

The command copy ReallyImportant*.txt BackupFolder is the one copying the files into the folder. The * tells the interpreter to copy any files with numerals after ReallyImportant, hence why both files are copied. 

Monday, 16 February 2015

Operating Systems 1 Lab 3 – Linux Commands

ls - this is a list of information about the file/files.

ls -la - this is ls however it uses a long listing format (l), and does not hide entries starting with "." (a).

pwd - this prints the working directory. It shows the current folder as an absolute path.

cd . - this changes the working directory to present working directory. It seems to be of no use as this will change the directory to present directory itself.

cd .. - this changes the working directory to the parent directory (the directory that contains it).

man man - the man command is used to format and display the man pages. They are a user manual. man man displays the man page about the man pages [why does this remind me of Inception?].

Monday, 9 February 2015

Operating Systems 1 Lab 2 – DOS Commands

dir - this displays a list of subfolders and files in the current directory.

help - this seems to act as a sort of dictionary of commands to help the user.

cls - this is clear screen. It clears the command prompt. It's not necessary but useful to avoid cluttering the screen.

echo hello world - echo is the command here. It simply displays whatever you type after in on the line. For example echo hello Damian would display hello Damian.

path - this displays or sets a search path for executable files.

cd - this changes the directory. In my example it takes us from Alex, back to Users, and then back to C.

tree - this displays a list (or tree) of files and folders in a supposedly easy way to read. I don't recommend using it while in the C directory however, or your computer will sit there listing files for a good 10 minutes [shakes fist angrily].

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Operating Systems 1 Lab 1

1. Two tanks of oxygen - need oxygen or will die in ~10 minutes.
2. Five gallons of water - need water or will die in 1-2 days.
3. Food concentrate - need food or will die in ~10 days.
4. Parachute silk - it will protect against sun rays.
5. Stellar map - could be used to navigate the moon.
6. Nylon rope - could be used to climb.
7. Signal flare - useful for signalling.
8. Solar powered FM receiver transmitter - could be used for short range communication.
9. Portable heating unit - might be needed if on dark side of the moon.
10. Case of dehydrated milk - used as food.
11. Self inflating life raft - useful for self-propulsion.
12. Two .45 pistols - lesser means of self-propulsion.
13. First aid kit - not sure :s
14. Magnetic compass - useless as magnetic field on moon is not polarized.
15. Box of matches - useless with zero oxygen.