dir - this displays a list of subfolders and files in the current directory.
help - this seems to act as a sort of dictionary of commands to help the user.
cls - this is clear screen. It clears the command prompt. It's not necessary but useful to avoid cluttering the screen.
echo hello world - echo is the command here. It simply displays whatever you type after in on the line. For example echo hello Damian would display hello Damian.
path - this displays or sets a search path for executable files.
cd - this changes the directory. In my example it takes us from Alex, back to Users, and then back to C.
tree - this displays a list (or tree) of files and folders in a supposedly easy way to read. I don't recommend using it while in the C directory however, or your computer will sit there listing files for a good 10 minutes [shakes fist angrily].
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